News on Monday, blessed July 24, 2017 Dec 17 Aviv 1733 partners of preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : The arrival of the body of His Eminence anba sawiris to Deira +++ the sons of St. Severus cast a look of farewell last +++ causing half the night celebrates Bana saoirse +++ in the presence of the body of anba sawiris .. the Divine Liturgy the monastery of "detective" +++ the prayers of the reaping machine anba sawiris monastery +++ last farewell to "the father" .. a funeral procession by His Grace Bishop sawiris +++ men of the state and the church at the funeral of the second LNA sawiris, Egypt +++ "with my dad."......Stories of life (1) His Holiness pope +++ to congratulate the Coptic Church and his arthome revolution of July +++ the delegation from the church up the consolation of a wife, ezzat alayli +++ I have the collection: the cross is innocent of the Crusades on the Muslims +++