News of the Blessed Sunday, June 9, 2019, corresponding to 2 Bouna 1735 for the martyrs, prepared by the Copts of the World (Holy Ascension Day): News of the Church locally: Pope pumps new blood in the veins of the church with the order of 4 bishops and another pilgrimage + + Pope Tavadros sits Bishop Antony Marcus as Bishop To South Africa +++ Pope Toutaroush attends the ordination of the monk Paul the Baramossi as Bishop of Canada +++ Pope Tavadros the Jesuit Monotheism of the Assumption of the Assumption of the Assumption of the Assumption of the Assumption of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary + + Word of the pope in p Yeh Tgeles and ordain new bishops +++ thousands celebrating the close of the birth of «Virgin» Mountain birds and queens church prays for +++ for high school students daily Liturgies +++